Harker Homes Ltd
Washford Heath, Birmingham
Harker Homes were successful in acquiring a part of a larger site that received Planning Approval for both a nursing home and private housing. Harker Homes obtained the private housing site with a potential for 25 dwellings. The site was purchased with the benefit of a Planning Approval but Gould Singleton were approached in order to review the house type designs, increase the floor areas where appropriate and adjust the internal accommodation to provide layouts suitable for modern lifestyles.
Alterations were made to the external works, paving and private rear garden areas which were successful in obtaining approved amendments under the original Planning Permission. The alterations allowed for a better connectivity and flow of the site in relation to the wider urban design and natural landscape features surrounding the site.
Gould Singleton were asked to prepare full details and specifications of the works and finishes to enable competitive tenders to be sought. Works are currently on site with all 25 properties under construction.
Earls Way, Halesowen, West Midlands, B63 3HR . Call 0121 550 0359 .