Lombard Group
Dog Lane, Bewdley
4,500sqft Retail
At the turn of the year, the site was offered for redevelopment and as part of the property details the commercial agents issued a development brief giving guidance to development opportunities for land with Planning Policy background. Feasibility design work focussed on providing a new mixed‐use development on the former fire station site within Bewdley Town Centre accessed from Dog Lane.
The design team, together with the Planning Department, Conservation Department and Highways Department of Wyre Forest District Council underwent an intense design process which led to the current final proposals.
The proposals provide a new mixed‐use development scheme within the Town Centre which enhances the retail provision to the town and improves viability to provide new employment opportunities. The development is a two‐storey development which is split providing a new convenience store at ground floor level which has a proposed retail provision of 418 sq.m supported by a back of house storage facility of 190 sq.m.
At second floor level, off an independent access, residential accommodation with new apartments provides a mixture of one and two bedroomed apartments. The new development is positioned at the upper level of the site out of the flood plain area with deliveries also being at the upper level from a vehicle layby positioned on the upper level. Due to its unique location abutting an existing car park in the centre of the town, the scheme utilises the existing car parking facilities.
Earls Way, Halesowen, West Midlands, B63 3HR . Call 0121 550 0359 .