Proposed new retirement apartment scheme composing of the demolition of buildings to the rear of Quonians Yard and the erection of new
buildings comprising of 64 apartments with associated communal facilities, parking
and other ancillary works.
Works extend to refurbishment of and change of use of various properties within
the Dam Street and Quonians Lane and associated works.
The concepts behind the design of the scheme include the following:-
– Extending the existing Quonians Lane pedestrian route into the site from Dam St. which
creates frontages for 3 new individual buildings.
– Creating a significant new frontage onto Cross Keys overlooking the Stowe Pool which
helps to infill and reinforce the city boundary.
– Respecting the scale of the existing buildings in the historic area, with particular regard to
the small scale of existing buildings on Quonians Lane. Requiring sensitivity of scale,
height and massing of the new development in its location.
– Use of traditional materials and building forms within the Conservation area.
– Facilitating and protecting views of the landmark historic Cathedral and St Marys Church.
– Creating high quality external spaces using suitable hard and soft landscaping materials
– Creating safe vehicular access and parking space for cars, deliveries and emergency access.
Earls Way, Halesowen, West Midlands, B63 3HR . Call 0121 550 0359 .