Midcounties Co-operative Society Ltd
40,000 sq.ft
Following the acquisition of Severn Trent’s previous headquarters on Warwick Technology Park by Midcounties Co-operative Society Limited, Gould Singleton produced proposals for a major refurbishment of the property. The new facility would be the new Headquarters for the Co-op, with existing office locations at Walsall and Oxford being closed.
The brief was to extend the existing building from 25,000sqft to 40,000sqft so as to accommodate around 250 employees, Conference rooms, seminar room and a new Board room. The head office would serve Co-op Retail, Funeral, Travel, Childcare, Pharmacy, IT, Membership and Post offices.
Works involved a new first floor extension. This extension was not able to be supported from the existing structural frame, therefore a new steel frame at first floor was threaded through the existing single storey structure to new foundation bases, with the existing frame being retained to receive a complete new refenestration.
The oversized first floor extension provides natural shading to the ground floor level offices and Brise Soleil was only provided in areas of the building affected by the sun path around the building, thus reducing the need for mechanical cooling. Further ‘Green’ technologies have been incorporated with Photovoltaic cells being installed over an area of 10,000sqft of roof, generating a considerable amount of energy, Hot water within the building is heated using Solar Panels and solar controlled lighting has been used throughout the internal offices.
Following further Planning approvals being secured, steel frame supports have already been installed to new bases to extent the building by a further 12,500sqft at a later date without the need to affect ground floor office accommodation. Planning permission has also been secured to extend the parking provision by a further 100 spaces.
The building programme was 52 weeks with a contract value of £3,800,000. Gould Singleton acted as lead Designers and project managed the complete project from acquisition to occupation by the Co-op.
Earls Way, Halesowen, West Midlands, B63 3HR . Call 0121 550 0359 .