Park Lane, Halesowen
350sqm (3,770sqft)
Due to increasing demand, Feridax required a larger support warehouse with associated improvements to support the current business needs and future growth.
Predominantly operating as a storage warehouse with supporting offices on the site, key to the proposals was to ensure that the current business continues to operate whilst the alterations and extension works were undertaken and it was imperative that the works could be programmed whilst the site remained in use.
Considerations for alternative positions for the warehouse were discussed however this involved using up key areas of the site, rendering it as unusable. The main existing warehouse was retained with the new addition providing much needed storage areas.
After reviewing options and proposed works costs with the client, it was deemed appropriate that the proposed warehouse location was in a suitable space to allow movement of vehicles for future increasing demand. Of key considerations to the proposals was to improve access through the site and ensure efficient operations. A new vehicle access for deliveries only to the south was created so that servicing for the new warehouse extensions were away from any public visitors to the site.
Due to the nature of the site position concern was raised that the warehouse extension would be too dominant on approach along Park Road. Discussions with the local Planning Authority, the warehouse was cut back from the boundary by some six metres and reduced the massing significantly along Park Road. To help further alleviate this issue the vegetation and trees remained to soften the boundary and provide natural screening.
Earls Way, Halesowen, West Midlands, B63 3HR . Call 0121 550 0359 .